Elite Benefits provide members with money-saving services that protect their family, as well as save them time and money on day-to-day expenses.
We have a two-step plan to help our boys, (and parents), sell the benefit plans. The goal is for each player to sell 5 plans. This is a conservative goal and many may exceed 5 sales, which would be great for Conifer Baseball!
Step 1 would be for the boys and parents to email this flyer to your contacts. DOWNLOAD PDF
The flyer explains the fundraiser very well and has easy to follow instructions. Elite’s website, www.yourelitebenefits.com is easy for people to navigate through and choose the benefits that fit their family’s needs. On the website, if you click on any of the colored benefit tabs, an underlying page has a complete description of the benefit AND a fun video explaining the benefit.
The players and parents will not need to explain the benefits, the website does it for them. Players and parents simply need to email the flyer to our contacts and let the flyer and website sell the benefits. (We can obviously personalize our emails to help sell).
Step 2 would be for the boys and parents to post the attached post on their social media pages. Like the flyer, the post is direct and will send the audience to Elite’s website and will instruct them to use the CONIFERBASEBALL access code when registering for the benefits that fit their family’s needs.
As the flyer and post say, this really is a “Win-Win” fundraiser for all. The families WIN with convenient, money-saving benefits and Conifer Baseball WINS with the monthly proceeds going to support Conifer Baseball.
Important note: Elite Benefits are available and used nationwide. Using the CONIFERBASEBALL access code, we are able to sell the benefit plans to friends & family anywhere in the U.S. and the proceeds go back to Conifer baseball!